Medium first week review
Last Saturday I did something extremely scary… I wrote and public posted it !!!
Yeah!!! I defeated my worst fear… let someone read my thoughts … my deep thoughts !
Even on social media, I keep my writings in a neutral mode, so I won’t hurt anyone’s feelings . That’s my concern because I have friends and acquaintances from different countries, beliefs , jobs, etc …
My dream as a child was to be a writer and travel the world. Books are my best friends since I learned to read and write. They still are!
Once, during a personal financial crisis, my biggest concern was that I couldn’t buy books — no internet available at that time like today -.
I know it sounds silly, but not for me !
Reading is in my Food for Soul list, so it’s as much a priority as Food for Body.
“Nobody will be interested in my writings”- my critical mind says ! “It’s too deep, too boring!”
I was given a task last week to find ways to access money. I should write a list.
Then , I started discussing every topic I was writing and it was so fun!
I was having so much fun writing …